Artist in the spotlight
We are passionate about all forms of creation, which our work revolves around.
In order to share this passion with you, we dedicate this page to emerging contemporary artists whose art move us.
We invite you to discover the work of Chiron Duong, Vietnamese architect and photographer, whose dreamlike works emphazise movement and color, transport of emotions, in settings where the soul and dreams of the portrayed being are shown, sometimes omnipresent, sometimes evanescent.
Chiron Duong won the first Picto Prize for Fashion Photography in 2020, he received in 2022 the American Vintage Photography Prize of the 37th edition of the FIMPAH (Villa Noailles, Hyères).
The two series presented here, "Boundaries" (2020-2021) and "Portraits of Ao Dai: Hope For Peace And Love" (2021-2022), are revealing of the work of Chiron Duong, who, aware of the social, even societal, role of photography and images in general, explores the way they can reveal the unconscious and act on beings in constant transition.
Instagram Account : @chironduong